Author’s Bio

Mac A. Caves is a rational and realistic author who does not believe in psychics – “UFOs” with “little green men”, angels, ghosts or spooks.  He believes people are self-made but their basic thought processes and beliefs are ingrained at an early age.  These processes will not change unless one self-educates on true history and social issues as one matures.

He was raised in the 1940s and 50s, in poverty and hard conditions with a large and relatively non-educated family, trekking across America as "Route 66 Okies" and living in dirt floor, tar-paper shacks for many years.  He was exposed to extreme racial views, violence and many abuses through much of his youth.  His dry humor evidences his young [into his 20s] mental state "as a continuing path of psychosis."

High school counselors and law enforcement outreach kept young Mac in school and out of prison.  He started his own small family at a young age while contracting construction work.  He spent time in the military as a Squad Leader in the US Navy Sea Bees [Viet Nam] and later self-taught to advance in heavy construction to the highest technical positions.  He attended College at New Mexico State University, resorted to home schooling when his GI Bill Benefits ran out. Passed the Professional Engineer Exam on his first attempt. Careered as a Supervisory Professional Engineer – Civil, in Dam building and major water and hydro-electric projects.  He also volunteered as a City Police Officer and Deputy Sheriff for many years and wore a Federal Gold Shield for several years.  He served his Nation for over 40 years in various Agencies and capacities, contracting “off-the–books” in various locations.  Worked 8 years for FEMA in Disaster Recovery Operations after his initial retirement.

He began researching ancient civilizations by 1980 and this became a life passion after discovering distortions of history and in religious writings.  Believes History is most important of educational elements, and that knowing “true history” is essential to all understanding.

He credits Masonic teaching with his personal philosophy to treat all with appropriate respect, revere family and country – and has no use for scoundrels, grifters and criminals.  Believes the most heinous of abuses are perpetrated on children.

Is a member of AF&AM Blue Lodge, a 32º Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner, supporting Scottish Rite Children’s development Clinics and Shriners Children’s Hospitals.