Author Mac A. Caves’ latest Epic Non-Fiction Book
“On The Origin of God By Means of Natural Selection”
e-ASIN: B07N4G49HF - ASIN: 0967619114

Introduction of the author:
In 1999 Author Mac A. Caves released his first historical work The Secret of The Gods based on the premise that In The Beginning Man Discovered Earth. This work “Shook the World” and was banned in many local bookstores as heresy. His premature release of this unfinished work was due to a medical diagnosis of imminent death, within weeks. The diagnosis was obviously incorrect and he recovered from the illness.

Mac A. Caves continued his research and documentation of ancient subjects for the next 20 years and now has established a definitive timeline of the history of Man on Earth. With data provided by thousands of professional researchers, scientists, linguists, archaeologists, geologists and many more disciplines, he finished his latest work. It is titled:


The information and findings of ancient documents, civilization sites and artifacts provide a definitive timeline of the colonization of Earth and the development of advanced civilizations. The particular civilization followed is that labeled as the Sumerians, beginning 254,000 years ago by establishing cities throughout the Middle-East. The ancient cuneiform writings declare: "After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28,800 years."

The colonizers established government by theocracy, establishing the first Pantheon of Gods for Man to worship. The timeline of amazing discoveries continues through the Comet Impact of 12,900 years ago, which resulted in the worldwide Pleistocene Extinction of civilizations and many animal species. The Sumerian civilization revived after the comet impact and resulted in many diverse and widespread advanced civilizations which possessed advanced intelligence. The Introduced Intelligence was applied to building monumental structures and advancing all of the arts and sciences.

His research has provided the hidden and discarded historical truths, which were withheld or disguised from public knowledge by Organized Religion and Academia. This work provides a timeline of events connecting the Sumerian Civilization from “Pre-Deluge” history to the Mediterranean and Egyptian civilizations of “Post-Deluge” history with constant ties to the “Americas”. The Americas were the site of an advanced civilization established 20,000 years ago and was firmly connected with the Sumerians.

These ancient truths have been concealed by Academia with explanations of findings of advanced sciences with statements such as “The perseverance of Neolithic Artisans” for the discoveries of advanced metallurgy and astrological observations in ancient civilizations. Even the timeline for these scientific findings was altered due to pressure from Organized Religion so as to “Not debase the timeline of God” by indicating the age of Man beyond the dates established by Holy Writs.

Man did not “discover” metal alloys by melting rocks in a campfire. Producing alloy metals requires knowledge of the processes of locating ores and of the various smelting processes. It is not simplistic.

A few things of interest you will discover include: Sophisticated dental work performed in 7,000 BCE, that brass was produced in the ancient Americas using a more durable alloy of copper and nickel and that machine cut and polished 100-ton stone blocks were produced and moved into structures 20,000 years ago. In the Mediterranean, 17,000-year-old ruins at Baalbek exhibit a massive carved stone structure similar to those in the Americas. Deciphered Egyptian records provide a very different view of history than that depicted in the modern “Holy Writs”. Ancient Jerusalem Temple records discuss the trial of a “Notzeri Revolutionary” very different from that recorded in the “Holy Writs”.

Author Mac Caves has not produced a history of “Alien Beings” or “UFO’s”, rather a history of Man, Homo Sapiens Sapiens; that is Modern Man. He produces no “DNA” claims of “Aliens”, everything presented is straightforward based on factual archaeological and scientific published findings and most of all, common sense and rational thinking.

You will be amazed as you read about findings which have been known for thousands of years but have not been presented in similar format. You will begin an odyssey of fascinating reading, of true history, presented in ON THE ORIGIN OF GOD BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION © 2018

From the Author Mac Caves

It does not matter to me what religious belief or following you live by. What does matter to me is that I can present the available ancient data which evidences the beginnings of Mankind on Earth and how our current religions came to be. If you care not about the true beginnings of these two most important subjects, so be it. If you do have a curiosity about these beginnings, you will be absolutely amazed with what is presented in ON THE ORIGIN OF GOD BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION. I did mirror the title of Darwin's work on purpose to motivate your thinking processes. I also have a bit of dry humor in my being.

We, the inhabitants of Earth, “Man” if you will, have been ushered into two venues of thought relating to our “Origins”. Both venues are equally destructive to independent thought.

The first venue, and oldest form of brainwashing, comes from the heavy burden of religious fundamentals taught from earliest childhood. The “Adam and Eve” creation fable is baseline thinking for organized religion. God made a doll from mud, performed CPR on it and IT WALKED! He then created another “being” to be “an helpmate” to the first “being”, that is, He made an underling to serve the wishes of “First Man”. This teaching has resulted in an almost inescapable mind-set of religious creationism and tunnel vision concerning history. It also created the illusion of an ever-watching destructive being that could zap infidels at will. Most damaging of all, this “history of God”, for most of Mankind, replaced the natural bonding of Men and Women from partners in life to a system of dominance. In reality both have separate and important functions in pursuing a life partnership.

The second venue, the antithesis of the first, developed from two events. First, after working for over twenty years developing his manuscript “On the Origin of Species, by means of Natural Selection”, Charles Darwin published it in 1859. Second, within a few years, [1864 CE] a monumental discovery that occurred in the Neander Valley of Germany, in 1856, was published which appeared to tie Darwin’s Theory to the evolution of Man. Scientists proclaimed the discovery of Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis, that is, Neanderthal Man. They also announced to the world, incorrectly, that Neanderthalensis was the final evolutionary link to Modern Man, Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

Both venues of teaching, religious and scientific, proclaim Man is a product of Earth, either Divine or evolved. Little effort was expended to explore the possibility that, in the beginning, after the Earth was seeded by comets bearing life-forms, most plants and animals evolved by means of natural selection and also; 
In The Beginning Man Discovered Earth.

Recent DNA analysis has confirmed, beyond any reasonable doubt, that Modern Man is not a descendant of the evolutionary bipedal creatures identified as being precursors to Homo Sapiens Sapiens. These evolutionary precursors are identified as Homo Erectus, Homo Australopithecus and scores of other species which exhibited upright mobility, tool-making skills, and/or cognizant thought processes. This evidence firmly puts Man in a unique species determination of “Sapiens”. Man has not evolved from any other creature on Earth! All evidence points to the fact that Man has been on this Earth for several million years. Ancient Man was not isolated on the various continents; he traveled, sailed, traded and communicated between all of them. The Comet Impact of 12,900 years ago resulted in the Pleistocene Extinction of animals and civilizations, caused the “Biblical Floods” and changed the course of Man-Kind.

The Sumerian Kings List indicates a continuous line of long-lived kings who “Descended from Heaven” 254,000 years ago. Of course, Academia says this must be a myth, but believe one of the first two mythical venues for Man’s existence. 

The Sumerian Kings List records the first eight antediluvian kings who ruled for 237,600 years in different areas of The Fertile Crescent. The first king recorded was King Alulim, who came to Earth about 254,000 years ago and established his base in southern Sumer.

From the translation of the Kings list:
"After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28,800 years."

Long before the last Comet impacted the Earth 12,900 years ago, King Alulim built the first Sumerian city named Eridu. Eridu still exists near the Persian Gulf in southern Iraq, near Ur. Subsequent Sumerian Kings continued to build cities until a comet impact produced the Pleistocene Extinction as the Earth was coming out of the Last Ice Age. This event also marks the ancient “Flood” or “Deluge” which “Destroyed the Earth”. The Comet Impact during the last Ice Age changed Global weather patterns resulting in 1,400 years of colder weather. The impact shock wave and massive continental flooding ended many civilizations such as the Clovis in North America.

Survivors of the comet impact rebuilt the ancient civilizations of the Earth on all continents. The Fertile Crescent survivors were noted in ancient writings as “Lords”. 

Often discussed is the fact that the original colonists of Earth were of advanced culture and technology. If so, why did they rely on primitive methods of technology to develop their various civilizations?

The answer could be the same as it would be today. If our world was subjected to a world-wide catastrophe with 90% loss of population and manufacturing, means of creating electrical power and refining of fuels, what would be the result?

The result would be; survivors were users of technology, not producers. They would use any remaining resources but would likely be unable to redevelop the past capabilities. After several generations of survivors passed, equipment use would be limited to non-computerized equipment, such as older engine technology; magneto spark engines and so on. Fuel production would be very limited and closely guarded. After several generations most people would be surviving with very basic means, others would begin more stable societies.

I believe this is what occurred with the Lords. They lost the support of the advanced technology creators and although knowing about the advanced systems prior to the disaster, could not replicate or maintain their previous systems. They were able to produce, in comparison to their original technology, crude transportation and communication systems.