The Pillars of Creation


Throughout the eons of time man has preserved his spiritual beliefs by oral tradition, writings and signs.  When compiled in a legible format these become the Holy Writ of that Culture.  Writs, Temples, Personages, places and certain items become "Holy" to those believers.  Is it understandable that any Culture's Holy Writ is believed to have been created, or it's creation guided, by one or more "Devine Beings"?

That said, would any one Holy Writ communicate more truth than another?  The first known Holy Writ is the Enuma Elish while many others follow.  The Enuma Elish contains stories [records?] of the first Gods, their lives, struggles and battles. The Sumerian Kings List is the history of the Gods acknowledged in the Enuma Elish, recording that "After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28,800 years."  There are tales of making First Man from the blood of Gods, of the great flood and an “Ark” and the building of empires. The Enuma Elish was written by the Sumerians, Akkadians and Babylonians with changes through time. This Holy Writ Epic was sung, read and recited at religious festivals during these empires, as homage and reverence to the Gods. In each kingdom the favorite God is recorded as living there and was added to the Epic. With this consideration, and having read many of the ancient records, it is apparent the Enuma Elish was the First Holy Writ known to Man.

Of the Semitic Tribes, the Hebrews rose to historic prominence and produced their Holy Writ, The Torah, based on the teachings of Lord Yahweh.  One of the first messages of Genesis was in symbolic terms for ancient people. “Let there be light” was a message sent from a time of antiquity to modern Man as a symbolic term for intelligence. The message is: Let there be intelligence, and independent thought about the universe. Look within yourself as you pursue the answers to the mysteries of the Universe. This ancient teaching is known as Gnostic and was labeled as Heresy by the Catholic Church for not conforming to organized religion. Gnostics were banished or killed, beginning in the 300’s Christian era into the 1700s CE. The Christians produced their Holy Writ as The New Testament, modeled after the teachings of Mithra, The invincible Sun God, Son of God and a Virgin Mother.  Mitra was born in a Grotto [rock cave], fathered by “Ahura Mazda, Supreme God of the Universe” [The Sun], and the Virgin mother, Anahita [Immaculate], who was known as “The mother of God”. Anahita was equal to, or portrayed as, Artemis, the Moon Goddess. Mitra was the “Voice of God to Mankind”. These three primary Gods have been portrayed as the basis for religion, with different names, since pre-10,000 BCE. Mitra was the State sponsored God of the Roman Empire in 250 BCE, and revered by the Military.

Modernists label Gnostics as a product of the beginnings of “Christianity”, which is a false concept. Gnostics have a myriad of beliefs, as the term is defined as propagating from the Greek “gnosis”, meaning knowledge, or the ability to think for one’s self. Gnostics have existed since the proposition of there being a Supreme Creator. What that belief details varies with each person. During the formation of the “Universal Church” it meant “Up Yours” to the Pope or anyone else who had the audacity to claim they were endowed with a special link to “God”, as the divine spokesman for all humanity. I use the term “spokesman” because unlike the Mitra worshippers, which produced Christianity, Christians did not allow women to speak about religious topics.

Various belief systems:
Agnostic is in between being a theist or an atheist. Atheists believe there is no God, an agnostic believes that it cannot be proved if there is, or is not, a God. A gnostic cannot prove the existence of, but do believe in a Supreme Creator.

Over eons of “God Kings”, Gnostics did their jobs and duties while keeping their beliefs hidden. This also insured they kept their heads. More people have died from “Heresy” and Theocratic wars than from disease and old age [just an opinion].