Maya and Olmec in Central America

Archaeologists’ findings place the Lords’ main intervention in South and Central America as early as 2,250 BCE. The advance group of Lords and craftsmen were involved when hybridized corn was introduced by 5,500 BCE in Central Mexico. One source stated that Neolithic farmers had successfully hybridized corn around 5,000 BCE, by converting the perennial wild corn to an annual corn plant, harvested twice a year. The story is the same as the one presented for hybridizing wheat in Sumer. Corn, not maize, was cultivated before 6,100 BCE in Peru.

Most of the Lords’ early successes were due to enhancing crude agricultural systems and the introduction of new farming techniques. The Lords introduced new food crops and selectively improved native food plants to produce a more varied and greater crop yield. This allowed extensive labor forces to begin construction of temples and great cities.

As the civilizations progressed, the Lords developed factories and shops, which produced pottery and other items for trade. Long-range trade routes were established to connect North and South America to exchange merchandise with distant civilizations. A sect of astronomer priests ruled and controlled each area within the region.

This system of cultural achievement is an exact duplicate of that used to create the Sumerian and other ancient civilizations. Unfortunately, Academia has refused to acknowledge the achievements of the civilizations of the Americas in comparison with civilizations in “The Old World”.

Another European statement regarding the scientific achievement of the Maya was “They had no concept of scientific analysis methodology because it [the methodology] had not been invented”. This is classic “Western Thinking” where nothing exists before being invented or discovered by western Academia.

And one of the best: “The Maya were great record keepers but lacked the ability to project theoretical values.” Academia choses to ignore the following achievements.

The Maya did understand the elliptical orbit plot of Venus occurring five times in a repeated eight-year cycle of 583.92 days per orbit. It is too bad they did not understand much about heavenly bodies, according to Academia. They did manage to develop several very precise calendars, predict Lunar and Solar eclipses into the 1990’s CE, plot comets, track constellations and predict tidal changes. I guess this could all be accomplished without being trained by Europeans who had not yet discovered the Earth was round. The Americas’ civilizations also developed metallurgy techniques for alloys and plating which surpasses some in use today.

A recent “amazing discovery” which the Western Press jumped on was a Mayan inscription “deciphered” to proclaim the “End of the World” in 2012 CE. This was raised to a fever pitch by the press and media hacks, all making money of course, and selling this prediction to the public. As I stated before, look at the original document before betting the family fortune on a fad.

The Maya began their rise as the religious and warrior culture about 1,600 BCE when Lord Bal moved from Crete to the Americas. They became the leaders of the efforts of the Lords to rule Central America. Their first cities of prominence were Nakbe in Guatemala, El Mirador and the crown jewel of the period, Tikal.

                        MAYA CHRONOLOGY [from Academia-notations by author]                                    
          Archaic          8000–2000 BCE        [harvested corn and cotton-8K BCE]
          Preclassic             2000 BCE – 0 CE   [had advanced metallurgy and astronomy]
          Classic                    0 CE – 830 CE [Continued contact with Ecuador and Peru]
          Terminal Classic       830 CE – 900 CE  [The Lords departed - Civil Authority broke down - war ensued]
          Final Destruction    1519 CE -         [Brother Pope sent emissaries with diseases] 

The Mayan Civilization was thriving when Cortez found them on the Yucatan Peninsula in 1519 CE, and the Maya still exist today. Their Theocratic Rule is the only thing that “Disappeared” in about 830 CE.

Crab Nebula - Remnants of a Super Nova recorded in 1054 CE by Chinese Astronomers - 6,500 LY away