The Mystery of The Great Sphinx

The Great Sphinx of Giza – Photo 1858 of the beginning of excavation of sand covering base. Note the different rock formation of the head to the sandstone “base”. The Head was sculptured long before the body was created when the surrounding stone was quarried for the Temple and causeway constructions. The “Khafre” head was re-sculptured when the temple was built.

The Giza Plateau contains the Great Sphinx. It rises 66 feet above the sands of the plateau. The massive lower body is that of a lion, 189 feet in length, appearing as a fascinating symbol of the power of ancient Egypt

The Great Sphinx does not appear in any known inscriptions describing its construction or its original purpose. The Sphinx is a monolith carved into the layered bedrock of the plateau, which also served as the quarry for the for funeral temples.

In front of the Sphinx is a temple complex on the ancient bank of the Nile River. It was constructed to house priests who prepared kings for burial and kept the Nile River and surrounding areas under constant observation. The causeway from the Sphinx Temple to Khafre’s Great pyramid was built around the Sphinx, indicating the Sphinx was already in place.

Some scientists and archaeologists date the Sphinx to 9,000 BP. These findings are labeled pseudo-archaeology by Academia and, of course, they have never been in error.

Many archaeologists have noticed the head of the Sphinx is out of proportion with its massive lion body, appearing to be too small. One theory regarding this feature is that the head was originally constructed in correct proportion to the body, but was reconfigured to provide a portrait statue of a ruling king. Historians correctly concluded the reconfiguration was the stone portrait of King Khafre, also known as Chephren of the Fourth Dynasty [4,558 to 4,532 BP]. The original re-sculpture was complete with a sacred cobra head-dress and the braided beard hanging from the chin.

The head of the Sphinx was carved from an outcrop which protruded well above the desert sands. There are no remnants from the head carving which have been identified, or any indications this has been investigated. There is no doubt the huge desert carving was chosen to be enlarged and enhanced as part of the overall Pyramid of the Sun construction. Dating of the Sphinx head, to an exact time, has not been accomplished.

The original Sphinx was constructed prior to ruling dynasties, with tools and craftsmanship the Stone Age Egyptians did not possess. The only craftsmen who possessed the tools to build the Sphinx were from the Sumerian region, whose Lords built the massive temple in BaalBek [“The Valley of Baal”, in present day Lebanon] some 19,000 years ago. The clues to the original features of the head come from the island of Crete and the Minoan civilization.