The Cat's Paw Nebula

"All Soulless Masses Living in the New Lands"
[Brother Pope's Decree of 1493]

After Columbus made his historic journey the Church granted slavery rights to Spain and Portugal for “All soulless masses living in the New Lands”. The Blessed Conquerors infected, slaughtered and enslaved millions of the “soulless masses” under the guise of Devine Inspiration.

In 1493, Brother Pope divided the world into two equal parts, Pole to Pole, awarding half to Portugal and half to Spain. The Conquistadors were not obliged to defer any actions to the Vatican for activities "in any place not governed by a 'Christian Monarch' ."  That is, a Monarch appointed by the Vatican.

The Papal Bul Inter Caetera, awarded colonial rights by the Patronato Decree, in which State authorities made all clerical appointments and these Priests would report to the Governors rather than to the Vatican.

This decree created the famous “Spanish Main” which included North and South America, except for a portion of eastern Brazil and Argentina.

Rising criticism of the slaughter and slavery in the Americas caused the Vatican to review the matter. The Pope heard the arguments that “the Indios were not truly human so could not be baptized”. Also, and very important, he had no control of the Conquistadors and was not receiving his share of the profits. Pope Paul III issued the Papal Bulls Veritas Ipsa and Sublimis Deus in 1537, rescinding previous Buls, and confirmed that although the Indios were not fully human they were human enough to receive baptism. This move put the Vatican back in charge of the “New World”.

The decree was a shrewd political move. He mandated the Indios were “mere children” compared to real humans and should be wards of the Church under the care of church priests. The real meaning of “Mere Children” was that they had not fully evolved. This put them in the category of cattle and the Pope was claiming the herd. This provided for the construction of thousands of missions in the Americas and put the Vatican back in charge. If a Governor did not agree with the Church he was threatened with excommunication. This of course would be the end of his career and his head, so the Church always won.

This did not stop the missionaries, who searched for gold and gems, from tying Indios to turnstiles for crushing ore, blinding them with hot pokers and working them until death. There was an endless supply of unbaptized labor. The slaves were used in the gold and silver mines or for any other labor necessary.